Thursday, October 20, 2011

Terribly sorry for missing Tuesday, Double Post today!

I don't know if you care about rationalizing or not, but I've been extremely busy with homework and writing essays for an application so I missed Tuesday. But that makes today special. You know why? For the first, and only time, I introduce to you- dear readers- (Drum roll please...) THE BIG SIX!! (Gasps!) Here are six different events/things and, similar to Panera Bread fashion, you pick two! to comment on. Here we go!

1) Yesterday (Wednesday), I had my job again. My group actually started making substantial progress in their work. They're the group making a backpack that could also function as a desk. For the past two days, they were just sitting around not really doing too much because they were waiting on supplies to come in, but now that they arrived, they're actually buckling down and working. And while they working is good for the project, it makes my job a lot easier (since I don't have to direct as much).

2) After my job I had math class. It's starting to get a lot more challenging and more difficult to keep up, but I'm still trying to stay on top of it. I was able to answer a couple questions in class though, so yay to that!

3) On Wednesday night, Treehouse Society had it's cartoon and fingerpainting event! It was a lot of fun just to put my stresses aside and just paint. I created this story of two people who hated eachother, but were turned into a giraffe and a turtle by a wizard. Then they have to traverse the lands (i.e. the canvas) to turn back to normal. People seemed to like my story and suggest I make a children's book out of it. Anyway, that event was fun!

4) Now the reason why my Tueday update was late, my essays. I'm applying to be a resident adviser for Hendrick next year. I don't know if I can get it, since there's only two open spots, but it would be awesome if I got it! Fingers crossed.

5) Today in ECE 190, we finally started going over the stuff I didn't fully understand last year. Namely pointers. Now I get it a lot better. Pointers point to a location in memory, as opposed to containing some value.

6) And then this afternoon we had interaction class and I presented my gestures for my MP3 playing device. People seemed to overall like it, but still offered some critique to improve it. Now I have to record some videos of people using the gestures and present that for next class.

Alright, the one and only TOP SIX. Sorry about the lateness, but enjoy! Bye now!!

1 comment:

  1. Comments on numbers 4 and 6!
    First off, I hope you get that resident adviser job! What would you exactly do in that position?
    Also, you are designing an mp3?!?! :O
