Sunday, September 18, 2011

Not-so-Sunny Sunday

Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day. Yeah, so today's a pretty rainy day. Doesn't mean it can't be a good day with plenty of stuff to update for the- you guessed it- BIG THREE!!

1) This morning, Mrs. Quigley picked me up to go to church service. In Jin Nim's sermon was pretty inspiring. I missed the first part, so I was a little lost when she was referring to a story she told. Afterwards the church held a rally to support True Parents after the events with Hyun Jin Moon and the Kwak family were pretty deep. They spoke about absolute love, absolute faith, and absolute obedience- values that are crucial but not really expressed in the Western world. Also it seemed like the story of Cain and Abel along with the prodigal son story had present-day parallels. I'm not sure how things are going to turn out, but hopefully the church can be united once again.

2) After church, I had a video effects workshop. The guy who was suppose to teach was 15 minutes late, and then had to go home to get a cable so we didn't start until 45 minutes afterward! It was pretty interesting though. We went over AfterEffects and he spoke a bit about using the green screen. There's gonna be another workshop next week, so I think I'll be there for that too.

3) And then tonight some friends and I got together and went to Qdoba. It's kind of like Chipotle- burritos and other Mexican food- so it all tasted pretty good. Now I'm back to working on schoolwork. I have a choice of either working on math, extra credit for interaction arts, or get started on a leadership essay. I think I'll go with the math and then the other two. So, yeah, fun night ahead of me.

Bye now!!

1 comment:

  1. Comment on number 2. I hate it when teachers are late! But that workshop seemed like it was interesting for you, so that's good. What was it about?
