Friday, November 4, 2011

Thursday Blog Post, a tad late...

Sorry for this being kind of late, I went out to a talk last night (which I will tell you about), and then I started working on homework and went to bed before updating. Well, anyway, intro's aside, let's get onto the BIG THREE!!

1. This American Life - The other night, I was on the phone with one of my dear readers and we started talking about This American Life. I started describing the Middle School episode- the one I was currently in the middle of. And I told the story about the Mimi's, which I took as middle school girls being conceited and pompous. But after listening through the whole story, I see them as creative girls trying to envision a better life for themselves. I suppose this taught me the lesson of never tell a story before hearing the whole thing!

2. Ageism Presentation - Yesterday (Thursday) morning, my group had to give our presentation in class about Multicultural Awareness. Our topic specifically was Ageism in the workplace and leadership. I think we did very well, and people especially enjoyed an activity. We had some people randomly selected as employers and the rest of the class were employees. And the object was everyone had to get hired for these particular jobs, and ideally each company should have a broad spectrum of different ages. Things went pretty well, except one of our group members didn't even show up to class. We still did the presentation without her, but I wonder how this would affect her grade...

3. You, Me, and AI - Last night I went to the talk I mentioned up above. It was about artificial intelligence and raised a bunch of social/philosophical questions. I thought it was going to be a more technical talk and discuss where we are and going with AI. But it was actually more about the religious and social ramifications of AI. Still a very interesting talk though!

Okay, until tomorrow, bye now!

1 comment:

  1. Comment on number 1! Wait, I heard that whole story too.. And somehow I missed that part. o.O What do you mean, they were trying to get a better life for themselves? After they moved to the country side? o.O
