Over the weekend, and even now, I've been getting progressively more sick. Not so much fun. My throat hurts, I have a headache, and feel dehydrated. I said on my status that it's kind of a Catch-22: My throat hurts because I'm dehydrated; but I can't drink so much because my throat hurts.
Well, anyway, let's get onto the Big Three (for yesterday!)
1) Sunday morning I stayed in bed for the most part, not feeling too great. I am not too fond of being sick, meh.
2) I ended up missing lunch, so around 3 I went out to get food. I decided to go to Panera Bread for soup, but a bowl of soup cost almost five dollars! So instead I walked an extra block to the grocery store and got one of the microwave, soup in a hand can. It was actually pretty good and only a buck fifty.
3) Then at night, I stayed in again and just worked on math and programming. Fairly relaxing day.
And I thought my sickness has been going away, but this morning I woke up and felt even worse. I'll give you an update tomorrow if it improves or not. Bye now!!
Comment on number 1! Aww, I'm sorry that you are sick! Colds are the worst >.< Drink a lot of Orange Juice, stay warm, gurgle salt water, and rest rest rest! Feel better! <3