Monday, November 7, 2011

No sun nor fun on a Sunday

Over the weekend, and even now, I've been getting progressively more sick. Not so much fun. My throat hurts, I have a headache, and feel dehydrated. I said on my status that it's kind of a Catch-22: My throat hurts because I'm dehydrated; but I can't drink so much because my throat hurts.

Well, anyway, let's get onto the Big Three (for yesterday!)

1) Sunday morning I stayed in bed for the most part, not feeling too great. I am not too fond of being sick, meh.

2) I ended up missing lunch, so around 3 I went out to get food. I decided to go to Panera Bread for soup, but a bowl of soup cost almost five dollars! So instead I walked an extra block to the grocery store and got one of the microwave, soup in a hand can. It was actually pretty good and only a buck fifty.

3) Then at night, I stayed in again and just worked on math and programming. Fairly relaxing day.

And I thought my sickness has been going away, but this morning I woke up and felt even worse. I'll give you an update tomorrow if it improves or not. Bye now!!

1 comment:

  1. Comment on number 1! Aww, I'm sorry that you are sick! Colds are the worst >.< Drink a lot of Orange Juice, stay warm, gurgle salt water, and rest rest rest! Feel better! <3
