Tuesday, August 30, 2011


First, I would like to make a shout out to one of my avid readers out there. Today is her birthday, so I would just like to wish her the happiest of days! (It has also come to my attention that another reader of mine has a birthday today. So, Hitomi, happy birthday to you too!)

Haha, anyways, onto the Big Three! And this time, actually posted on time! Hoorah!!

1) Today is my busy day. In Leadership we again discussed the definition of leadership. We went over various roles and determined whether or not they are actually leaders (such as team captains, CEO's, gang leaders, managers, etc.) A lot of leadership is situational and depends on how they handle the relationship with followers. One key point to say is leaders promote effective change for a common goal, so a gang leader for example wouldn't be a leader since they promote violence and are often coercive against their followers. After Leadership class, I had ECE 190. We talked about MOSFETs (Metal Oxide Semiconductors Field Effect Transistors). And several applications of them, like building gates and circuits. After that was Interaction Arts, which was pretty fun since we went to the museum today to check out the exhibits and how they're presented. And last, but not least, was Time Arts. I finished all my animation projects early so just got to mess around with the program. It was pretty fun, but a long day.

2) Besides classes, I just spent a lot of time studying/doing homework. I'm on top of all my work for now, and just hoping it sticks that way!

3) Hm... What have I done besides classes and studying? Well, I worked out in the weight room last night. Not super interesting, but still good, I suppose. Hopefully more eventful-ness happens on Thursday. Anyways, bye now!! =D

1 comment:

  1. sorry this comment is a bit late! the last couple posts i've been writing from my ipod. but i'll comment on number 1. I wish i was more of a leader! That's something that I want to work on this year! do you think you're a good leader?
