Thursday, August 25, 2011

Whew! Back from Class!

Alright, so my schedule for the most part is pretty nice. I only have one class on Monday and Wednesdays, which is amazing! But on Tuesday and Thursdays, I have four classes! Two of them are 80 minutes and the other are 150 minutes! But now I'm done for the day so it means I can start homework! Yahoo!! =D

[Before going on, please note the immense levels of sarcasm in that last sentence. Thank you.]

Okay, but honestly, I like my classes so it's all good. And without further side chatter, er... in this case, top chatter- onto the big three!

1) I almost overslept this morning! My class starts at 9:30. I woke up at 9:25. Luckily I got ready and got to class just in time! That just happened to be Intro to Leadership (which being late would give a really bad impression, moreso than other classes.) It was an interesting discussion/lecture today. We talked about the definition of a leader. The definition they provide is: a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.So, dear readers, keep that in mind and you're on the way of being a future leader!

2) My next class is ECE 190- Intro to Computing Systems. Today it was pretty easy, which is good if I want to try to stay on top of everything. We talked about binary (110101) and different ways for computers to interpret it. I'm understanding it a lot better! Hopefully it stays like this the whole year!

3) My last two classes are my art classes: Interaction and Time Arts. Both are really interesting. In Interaction, we talked about the Internet and started some HTML programming. And then in Time Arts we worked on After Effects animations. I really think I need some art/creative classes to complement my technical classes. Now that I've spent a lot of the afternoon working on stuff I really like, doing my ECE homework doesn't sound so bad. =)

Anyway, check in with you again this Saturday! Bye now!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry this comment is a bit late! Is there a time limit for the comments? I'm going to comment on number 3. I'm glad you like your art classes! It's always good to have a balance. :) (math and logical, mixed with artsy and creative, fun mixed with not-as-much fun.) I'm also happy that you like the rest of your classes, too!
