Sunday, August 21, 2011

Getting back on schedule!

I am terribly sorry! I need to get back onto schedule with the blog posts. I will post one right now for yesterday and then one later tonight talking about today! One thing I need to do- going to do- did- is set the blog as my homepage. That way I won't forget to update! Anyway though, onto the Big Three for Saturday!

1) This is actually a thing that happened yesterday (i.e. Friday). A friend and I went to this afternoon workshop given by the Engineering professor- David Goldberg. He is usually not the most ecstatic speaker, but I actually got a lot out of his presentation. We talked about being good listeners who are actively asking questions about the other person. To make clear, explicit requests. And to ask engaging questions. An interesting point he brought up is when starting a question, the best word to start with is "What." I always figured it's "Why" because that delves into who the person is as a character, but the problem with "Why" is that puts the person in the defensive. And "What" compels them to speak an real answer.

2) Also Friday night, I went out to dinner with Brandon's parents. It was Brandon, his mom, his dad, Brian, Steve, and me. While sometimes awkward with his parents there, we ended up having a great night. His dad works with human computer interaction in making the Microsoft Kinect so we had an interesting conversation about that. Overall it was a good night.

3) Then today (Saturday), I was an ELA for the freshman engineering launch. So I had to greet, moderate, and help the freshmen. It was a pretty good launch, except somewhat long with numerous speakers.

That's all for now, and later I'll update with Sunday's post.

1 comment:

  1. First off, great idea about making this your homepage! I would do the same, except this isn't solely my computer. lol. I'll comment on number 1. That's interesting about the "what" instead of the "why"... It makes sense, because sometimes "why" questions are harder to answer.
