Thursday, May 5, 2011

Eight's Not Late! (Actually it's kinda early)

Heya, so if you picture my day as a sandwich, studying would be the bread. And this blogpost will be the inner-good-stuff. I'm not sure if that's the best image right here, but my point is I spent about 6 hours today studying and after this post, I'm gonna spend a bunch more!!

So without further ado, let's go onto the tres largo!!

1) Happy Cinco de Mayo! Today at Hendrick House, they had Mexican food in commemoration of the holiday. It was really good. There were nachos and a cheesy, quesadilla roll. Towards the end of the year, HH bumps up the food quality big time (mostly due to finals, and they take people's recommendations. Last night we had steak!!)

2) Alright, so this morning I woke up around 9 and jumped into ECE/Programming studying. I'm not entirely proficient, but I'm feeling a lot better with pointers now. Hopefully I can get it all by the test this monday! Fingers crossed!!

3) I also went to the library this afternoon. I returned a bunch of books I checked out throughout the year and studied for a few hours there. It's a really cool (but crowded) place to go.

Alright, that's all for today. Now back to the ol' grind. STUDY! TUDYS! UDYST! DYSTU! YSTUD! STUDY!!

1 comment:

  1. Darn, so I commented on this blog from my ipod, but for some reason it didn't go through. :(
    Anyways, can I comment on the end? Because that "study" thing looks extremely cool. xD
    Anyways, I'll comment for real on number 1- mostly because I'm hungry. :P and I LOVE mexican food, its the best<3. That's nice that they take your guys' suggestions!!
