Saturday, December 10, 2011


11:11! Make a wish! (I realize it'll be later once I publish this, and even later when you read it, but still make a wish!) Anyway, let's jump right into it with the... YOU-KNOW-THE-WORDS!!

1) Usually I try to do my Big Three in chronological order, but today I'm going to go in reverse. So I just finished a 4 hour study session with a friend. I'm feeling a lot better for my math final, but still need to review a few more topics. I spent most of this morning/later afternoon studying, so now I'm going to take a break until tomorrow (i.e. MORE study day!!)

2) This afternoon, I took an hour break and went to the Treehouse Society winter crafts event. It was pretty fun, we made snowflakes and pipecleaner snowmen. It was a nice change of pace from studying.

3) Then, or in this case, before that- I woke up at 6 to see a lunar eclipse. It was just at the beginning of the eclipse so the moon looked tinted yellow. It was suppose to turn red at 8, but that was when the sun rose.

Anyway, that was pretty much my day. Tomorrow will be more studying. Stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. Comment on number 2! Treehouse society sounds like fun! :D do all universities have that?? And good luck with your finals! I know you'll do great!
