Okay, so I just realized my last blog post said Thursday, when it was- in fact- Tuesday. So this is the for-real Thursday post. With that bit of business out of the way, let's get into the BIG THREE.
1) Wednesday morning I had an interview for the Head ELA position. I think it went fairly well, but I'm more interested in the Lead ELA job. The Heads have a lot more work/responsibility and there are only 2 of them for the whole department, whereas there are about 10 Lead ELA's and it's more of a teaching role than managing role. Either way though, if I get another ELA job, that would be awesome! Fingers crossed. Oh! And that reminds me of something I'd like for Christmas. A nice, (leather) folder for holding resumes. When I go to interviews, I just have a paper folder which doesn't look as professional. Maybe something along the lines of this: http://www.amazon.com/Markings-C-R-Gibson-Executive-MJ14-9070/dp/B003YDYO9S/ref=pd_sbs_op_3
What would you like for christmas?
2) Thursday is Reading Day (the day of no classes before Finals). However, I still had class. I went into Time Arts for the final critique. I had to go in a couple hours early to finish my video, but it ended up being pretty good!
3) And after that, I've just been studying a whole bunch. Much fun. I have discrete mathematics and programming on monday and tuesday, respectively. Anyway, I'm gonna get back to that. Bye now!!
Comment on number 1! okay! :) and Where would I find that? like, any stores?? hmm i'll make a list and send it to you!