Saturday, December 3, 2011

Not on a good path

It's the first week coming back and I already missed a day! Don't let this be a determinant for the rest of the semester. Anyway, to make up for it, I'm going to do the BIG SIX (I remember that was only suppose to be a one-time deal, but we need to use it again)!! As per usual, answer with a You Pick Two for comments. Alright, here we go!

1) On Wednesday morning, I met with Barry Pittendrigh again and secured my job for Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO). I also found out it will be a paid position. I wanted to just do animation and have something to put on my resume/portfolio, but pay is even better!

2) On Thursday for Interaction class, we went over creating our own websites. We already learned designing and programming (HTML, CSS, PHP, and such), but now we went over registering, web hosting, etc. It was pretty interesting lecture, but I think it might be a little while before I get my own domain and website because the yearly/monthly costs are kinda pricey...

3) And Thursday night I went to a LeaderShape orientation. LeaderShape is the one-week leadership workshop at the end of winter break. I come back to school and then spend the whole week on personal development and leadership. It should be pretty fun!!

4) On Friday, I spent most of the afternoon working in open lab. I basically got paid to sit in a lab and do my homework. Pretty nice job!

5) Today was another huge work day. We needed people in the lab almost the whole day, so I was in there from 11 to 5. Good thing is between yesterday and today, I made over $100!

6) And besides all that, finals are coming up, so I've been studying for those. My first one is for leadership this Tuesday. Alright, I'm gonna go back to work. Tomorrow's update will be on time! Bye!!

1 comment:

  1. 1) whoa, that's great! What exactly will you do in that job, again? and the pay is a plus ;)

    4) nice! i didn't know you had that job? What do you usually do?
