Thursday, January 26, 2012

Gah! Why are late posts late!?

I am so sorry, I meant to do this. I really did. I got bombarded with homework/classes/meetings, but I realize that's not the best excuse to not update! Anyway, here we go! Big Tree!!

1) On tuesday for lunch, I went to the Asian American house for free food. We also had a discussion about diversity and the effect of Asian Americans on campus. I was invited by a friend and had a great time. I will probably go to more events in the future!

2) Tuesday night I went to Interaction II class and built this. It's a pretty fun program to play around with. Enjoy!!

3) Last night,some friends and I went to this meeting held by SIGGRAPH (a computer graphics group) that centered on animation. It looks really interesting so I'll be helping out with modeling and animation this year. I wish I knew about this club sooner!!

Alright, well, I'll give another post later tonight. Bye now!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Day of the Sun

Alright, so my roommate left this morning. I'm currently writing to you sitting in my single room. The room is quiet without him... I mean, I'm playing music and the heater is humming, but besides that it's quiet. Anyway though, things to talk about things to write about so on with... THE BIG THREE!

1) Last night we threw a going-away party in the east lounge for Luai. We surprised him by getting everyone together then had pizza and cake. All good stuff. And afterwards, we saw Shawshank Redemption. Luai's really into movies, but this is one famous/critially-acclaimed ones he hasn't seen yet. I think/hope/know he had a good last night before leaving.

2) Alright, this is kind of going in reverse chronological order. So earlier in the night, I met with my team for ECE 290. I'm in a special section where instead of taking midterms, we do group projects. So I'm looking forward to the semester and hopefully could get a better grade than taking tests!

3) Then Sunday afternoon (again, going back in time), I worked on physics, then finished up some CS homework. It was another work day. Seems like I'll be getting a lot of those this semester.

Anyway, Shugo out. Bye now and good night!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Day of Sats

I was laying in bed when suddenly I realized! I didn't do a blog post today! So I rushed to my chambers (walked to my computer), grabbed my nearest quill (logged in), and started jotting down my memoirs (started jotting down my memoirs). So without further ado, TIG BHREE!!

1) Last night, I went out with a bunch of leadershapers! We went over to taco bell for dinner and then went back to one person's apartment. There we watched Wall-E and then played a bunch of card games. It was a lot of fun and great to spend time with my family cluster again.

2) Today was my work day. I spent the morning working on physics, which I completed all my homework except for two problems (I'll go in for office hours tomorrow). Then I worked on ECE 290 homework, and finished all that. And now I'm about halfway through CS 225 homework, but I'll finish that with a friend tomorrow (er... Today).

3) My roommate is actually transferring back to his home state- New York. So tonight, a bunch of friends and I took him out for dinner as a kinda good-bye. I'm going to miss him, and wondering whether I'll get a new roommate or have a single... Hm...

Anyway, now I'm going to actually go to bed and hopefully stay in bed until morning (er... Later in the morning). Good night, dear readers!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thursday! (Sorry for the delay)

Okay, sorry for the late post for Thursday, I need to get back on track, back on schedule, and back into the swing of things. So, as per usual, let's jump into the BIG THREE!

1) So it's only the first week of classes and already I have so much work to do. Three homework assignments, two projects (one of which I've completed), and a presentation I have to give in two weeks. Yep, in school we hit the ground hard, then get running.

2) Which is an unintentional segue into my next point. I've gotten back into running the past week. I'm not up to 4-5 miles at a 8.5-9 minute pace being okay. This Sunday I'm going on a longer run (6 miles), so I'll let you know how that goes. My ultimate goal is to break four hours in the marathon!

3) Also on Tuesday and Thursdays, I have my favorite class- Interaction II. It involves some programming, but it's really easy, so the focus is purely on creating stuff! I'll show you some of the stuff I make later on.

Okay, well, today's Saturday, so you know what that means? Work day! Woo! Homework here I come!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Boy(s) Are(Is) Back in Town!

Hello dear readers! After being away for winter break, now we're back! Let'sa go with el TRES GRANDES!!

1) Last Saturday- the first day I've been back- a group of friends and I went sledding. It was the first time sledding in about a year, so it was definitely a lot of fun. After about two hours though, it got excruciatingly cold, so some of us left early to go to the ARC. At the ARC we went swimming, and warmed up in a sauna. Pretty awesome way to start out coming back to school!

2) Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so in the morning, I went to this church where they had a service/breakfast to his influence and memory. I didn't know anybody there, but still felt a very welcoming environment. One girl gave a speech on King's effect on her life. She gave a really good talk except for the fact that she started saying " defines 'Taking a stand' as..." which is a rather weak opening. Later on, she told some personal anecdotes, so it might've been a stronger start if she began with one of those. Either way, it was a great experience.

3) Yesterday (Tuesday) was my first day of classes. I only had two classes that day (compared to the five I have today). I had a physics lecture and interaction II. Physics wasn't too bad, but is suppose to get worse. And interaction is pretty fun, and is suppose to get better! Haha, well, we'll see how today's classes go.

Check back with you all this Thursday! Oh, and to one of my special readers out there, good luck on finals!!