Saturday, December 10, 2011


11:11! Make a wish! (I realize it'll be later once I publish this, and even later when you read it, but still make a wish!) Anyway, let's jump right into it with the... YOU-KNOW-THE-WORDS!!

1) Usually I try to do my Big Three in chronological order, but today I'm going to go in reverse. So I just finished a 4 hour study session with a friend. I'm feeling a lot better for my math final, but still need to review a few more topics. I spent most of this morning/later afternoon studying, so now I'm going to take a break until tomorrow (i.e. MORE study day!!)

2) This afternoon, I took an hour break and went to the Treehouse Society winter crafts event. It was pretty fun, we made snowflakes and pipecleaner snowmen. It was a nice change of pace from studying.

3) Then, or in this case, before that- I woke up at 6 to see a lunar eclipse. It was just at the beginning of the eclipse so the moon looked tinted yellow. It was suppose to turn red at 8, but that was when the sun rose.

Anyway, that was pretty much my day. Tomorrow will be more studying. Stay tuned!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thursday: On Friday!

Okay, so I just realized my last blog post said Thursday, when it was- in fact- Tuesday. So this is the for-real Thursday post. With that bit of business out of the way, let's get into the BIG THREE.

1) Wednesday morning I had an interview for the Head ELA position. I think it went fairly well, but I'm more interested in the Lead ELA job. The Heads have a lot more work/responsibility and there are only 2 of them for the whole department, whereas there are about 10 Lead ELA's and it's more of a teaching role than managing role. Either way though, if I get another ELA job, that would be awesome! Fingers crossed. Oh! And that reminds me of something I'd like for Christmas. A nice, (leather) folder for holding resumes. When I go to interviews, I just have a paper folder which doesn't look as professional. Maybe something along the lines of this:

What would you like for christmas?

2) Thursday is Reading Day (the day of no classes before Finals). However, I still had class. I went into Time Arts for the final critique. I had to go in a couple hours early to finish my video, but it ended up being pretty good!

3) And after that, I've just been studying a whole bunch. Much fun. I have discrete mathematics and programming on monday and tuesday, respectively. Anyway, I'm gonna get back to that. Bye now!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thursday: On Thursday!

Hello, post actually on time! That's one for the history books! Anyway, let's get right into it. Big Three, here we go!

1) This morning I had my leadership final. It wasn't too difficult, and I got an A+ on the last midterm, so hopefully did just as well this time! There were about 35 multiple choice, 20 fill in the blanks, and 10 short essay writings. I hope I did well, and even if not, I think I could still come out of the class with an A. Now the class is entirely over, which is kind of a shame because I liked that class...

2) Today was my last day of my Tuesday/Thursday classes. In my last ECE 190 class, my teacher brought cookies! And then we had a last lecture on program checking and authentication. It won't be on the final, but still interesting stuff.

3) And then was my last Interaction class, where we went over critiques for our last projects. And in Time Arts, we're technically having one more class (though it's illegal since it'll be on Reading Day). Reading Day is supposed to be the one day of no classes before finals. In Time Arts, we used today as a work day and will have our "class" on reading day be presentation/critique.

The year's really wrapping up. Just a few more projects and then finals and I'm done. Whoa!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sunday's post: Late

Okay, for the past few days, I've been using Ubuntu (as opposed to Windows). So I don't see s2hconnect when I start up my web browser. I'll add that to my home pages on this operating system and (hopefully) tomorrow's update will be on time! Regardless, let's get on with the... BIG THREE!!

1) Yesterday (Sunday), I worked all afternoon from 11 am to 6 pm. I'm an ELA (Engineering Learning Assistant). So my job is to help out first-year engineers as they work on their group projects. With the year wrapping up, we had an expo to showcase their projects. It was kind of like a science fair for engineers! And plus, they had free food! I got mini-sandwiches and these spinach filled baked bites. They were really good (especially after missing lunch!)

2) Last night, I went to the lab to work on my machine problem with a friend. We had to go through 3 computer labs before we could find one that was free. We worked on it for 3.5 hours, and made some progress, but it was still really hard.

3) I got my test back in discrete mathematics today. I got a B+, and with a curve, it might be even better. I mainly need to focus on doing better than the rest of the class, and while I'm not at the top, I'm still in the upper percentile.

Alright, well, I'm going to get to studying for my leadership final tomorrow. Bye now!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Not on a good path

It's the first week coming back and I already missed a day! Don't let this be a determinant for the rest of the semester. Anyway, to make up for it, I'm going to do the BIG SIX (I remember that was only suppose to be a one-time deal, but we need to use it again)!! As per usual, answer with a You Pick Two for comments. Alright, here we go!

1) On Wednesday morning, I met with Barry Pittendrigh again and secured my job for Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO). I also found out it will be a paid position. I wanted to just do animation and have something to put on my resume/portfolio, but pay is even better!

2) On Thursday for Interaction class, we went over creating our own websites. We already learned designing and programming (HTML, CSS, PHP, and such), but now we went over registering, web hosting, etc. It was pretty interesting lecture, but I think it might be a little while before I get my own domain and website because the yearly/monthly costs are kinda pricey...

3) And Thursday night I went to a LeaderShape orientation. LeaderShape is the one-week leadership workshop at the end of winter break. I come back to school and then spend the whole week on personal development and leadership. It should be pretty fun!!

4) On Friday, I spent most of the afternoon working in open lab. I basically got paid to sit in a lab and do my homework. Pretty nice job!

5) Today was another huge work day. We needed people in the lab almost the whole day, so I was in there from 11 to 5. Good thing is between yesterday and today, I made over $100!

6) And besides all that, finals are coming up, so I've been studying for those. My first one is for leadership this Tuesday. Alright, I'm gonna go back to work. Tomorrow's update will be on time! Bye!!