Sunday, April 24, 2011

Two, dos, ni, ee, [other language variant of 2]

Oh, just thought of one more. 10. Props if you know what language that two is in!

Breaking news, wifi on the bus is sw to the eet! (sw + eet = sweet!!) So you know that blog post you were expecting at 11:30 or so? Bam! Coming right now!

Anyway, on the bus going back to my home away from home. And without further ado, let's go onto the big three!

  1. Today was Easter! So to celebrate, the family drove to Grandma's. It was really great to see the whole family there and catch up with Grandma and the Farrells.
  2. We went for a walk around Grandma's condo. The weather was absolutely amazing today. Truly a great day to be outside.
  3. And lastly, I had a good talk with Mom. So it was great to be back this weekend.
As of this writing, a certain little sister who shall not be named has not written her blog post for Sunday. Get on it, Tomi! So now I'm going to work on my art paper, listen to music and podcasts, sleep, eat snacks, and play games (not necessarily in that order). So from all of us to all of you, good bye!!

1 comment:

  1. First off, I swear I posted on this post! What the heck, I guess it didn't go through... While, the post I posted on Sunday (that didn't go through) went something like this...
    Wow, I'm surprised you wrote Sunday's blogpost before I did! Only a bit after you left was when I wrote mine. Our 3 things were similar again, but I suppose I do have to take into account we WERE together most of the time... I commented on #2- the weather was so nice on Sunday! But I feel bad for the rock we were kicking... and smashing... Poor rock... R.I.P.
    My comment sounded better when it was present tense. -_- grr at blogpost for not putting my comment through! :(
